
This is a list of features that I have either joined from other sites or a list of my own that I have made.

Feature of the Month
The month of December is going to be about reading all types of winter reads. 
They can be about the holidays or they can just be set during the cold, winter 
months. I just want to get into the spirit of reading all the books set during 
this time of year.
The Seek is my way to showcase some books. I do different topics and try to find 
books that have similarities. It could be ten books or it could be just a few. It's my
way of doing that If You Like That, You Will Like This feature that everyone does.
The first week of the month, I will be doing reviews on middle grade books. This 
is a way to explore the wonderful worlds of author's imaginations. These reviews 
will include new and old middle grade reads.
On Mondays
New Release Day
I am doing this on Mondays to kind of give you a heads up on what books will 
be out this week. I mention any books that I have been given from publishers
and just any book that I really want to read. I also want to sponsor some books
that are under-hyped.

On Tuesdays
Top Ten Tuesdays is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. They pick
different topics every week and you list ten books to match the topic. You
can view the upcoming topics |HERE|.

On Wednesdays
Future Release Day
This will be the day I feature different books coming out in the next months
or books that I just found out about. I want to feature books that I am personally
excited for.

On Thursdays
Standalone Day
Thursdays will be my day for posting reviews on standalones. I wanted one day
a week to post any reviews that I have on standalones, because while I do like
standalones, I love series more. So, I want to break the habit of turning down 
a book if it is not part of a series.

On Fridays
Series Day
Fridays will be my day for posting reviews on series. I will post individual reviews 
on the books that are part of the series, then do a full series review. I will always 
love series, so I wanted a day just for my series reviews. This will also include series 
that have just started. Which means, I will not be doing a whole series review on the 
first book in the series. I will try to keep up with the series and write a whole series 
review when the last book comes out.
On Saturdays & Sundays
Reviews, Hauls, and Days of Relaxing
Weekends are my days off, so I will either be away from here reading, or playing 
catch-up on some reviews. So, if you do see anything on the weekends, it will most 
likely be hauls on books that I have received. 

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