I created The Read and Seek so I can connect with other readers
and explore new books. This site is for my thoughts on books that I have read.
It also includes other things like contests, teasers, and fun games. I wanted a
place where I can write my thoughts on books and to re-read my reviews. I
wanted to connect with others through books and authors, and talk about their
stories and worlds. I don’t want harm to come to this site, and others social
media formats. So, no cyber-bullies please.
If you want me to review something, keep in mind that I’m just an
average reader and not a paid reviewer. I will give my honest opinions on books
that I read. All I want is to do what I love to do, which is to read and blog.
Oh, and socialize :).
My Policy
Contact me if you would like me to read a book or a series. You don’t have to be the author or the publisher to do this. I am asking everyone, even my fellow readers to suggest some books to me. Keep in mind, I cannot get to all the books and some books might not be reviewed. I am trying to read and review every book I get, but I am only human and there are not enough hours in the day to read.
If you want me to read a series, please make sure it’s not to far in the series like on the 5th or 6th book already. It might take me awhile to read and review the series. I don’t want to disappoint any of you. I will take suggestions though on series I should start, because I do want to do series reviews. This can be new or old series.
My reviews are sometimes long and sometimes short, depends on the book. I am trying to cut back on the words of my reviews, but I do like to talk a lot. These are only average reviews not deep into thought reviews. I will try my best at it though.
I hate giving negative reviews, or even DNFing a book, which means I did not finish the book. I will not skim a book, so sometimes I will reread the book to give it a second chance. I try to get the full understanding of the book, and what it represents, or the story it is trying to tell. I try not to be “I hate this book” reviewer, I will give each book an honest try.
I am currently reading only Children’s/Young Adult novels at this time.
This includes all genres since I do like to read different genres during different times of the year. My favorite genres are fantasy and mystery/thrillers.
Books I Can’t Accept Right Now
- Non-fiction
- Adult fiction
Other than that, I accept all types of books. Self-Published! - I will accept a few but contact me first by emailing me at thereadandseek@hotmail.com .
Book details include:
- Book Cover
- Book Summary
- Important info: Author, Publisher, Publication Date, & # of pages
- Purchasing: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository
- Extras: Trailers, Author’s page, Websites, & any other things
- Source: How I received the book (ARC, Bought, Burrowed, or Gift)
My Reviews include:
Besides my basic review, I will include other things into my reviews. Things others might be interested in reading or viewing.
Rating: I am doing the basic 1-5 star rating. I use this system because I will be rating books on Goodreads, Amazon, Scribd, Audible, and my local library. Below is my rating system
Rating: I am doing the basic 1-5 star rating. I use this system because I will be rating books on Goodreads, Amazon, Scribd, Audible, and my local library. Below is my rating system
- 5 stars - This book was a favorite and I would read it again
- 4-4.5 stars - This book was great but I had a few issues
- 3-3.5 stars - This book was good but I only enjoyed parts of it
- 2 stars - This book just wasn't for me but it was okay
- 1 star - This book was most likely a DNF
(Note: You have to read the review to find out why I disliked something, because maybe, you’re into those kind of things mentioned in the story.)
Teasers: I select a few sentences within the book, in the first 100 pages. A quote that stuck out to me that I think others will find interesting. On Goodreads, I post first and last sentences of the books. I will not give away spoilers, but pick a teaser to get the viewers interested in the book.
Author/Book News: If the book is part of a series, I like to offer covers or release information of the next books. If the author is writing a new book, I like to offer info about what's next for him/her/they. If the book is optioned for a movie or TV series, I like to spread the news.
These are the following formats I accept:
- ARCs (Advanced Readers Copies)
- Published Format (Hardcover & Paperback)
- E-Books (Kindle, Nook, or Adobe Digital Reader)
I follow the rules on ARCs, and none will be sold or given away unless permission from the publisher/author accept to it.
E-books or Digital Reads will be deleted before publication date or when I review it.
ARC reviews will be posted couple of weeks before or on the week of the book’s release. They are usually pushed to the top of my reading list, and I try to read/review them before release date.
Reviews are posted on my blog, Goodreads, Amazon, & Instagram. I also post links to my reviews or other things on twitter.
Emails/ Contacting
If I do not reply back to you’re email…
- I haven’t gotten to your email yet, please resend it if important.
- Your email was lost, please resend it.
- I am not interested.
On this blog, I am doing reviews, teasers, wishlists, contests, and other things. I am willing to participate in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Author Interviews, and Guest Posts. I would like to know ahead of date before participating, to give me time to read the book.
Thank you all, and Happy Reading!!!
Emilia @ The Read & Seek
Emilia @ The Read & Seek